While we commit to quality services, we understand both you and ourselves do not want legal challenges. That is why we still need a formal ToC as a kind of service agreement to protect both of us.
Once you use our service(s), you unconditionally consent to all of our terms and conditions (ToC) stated below. Here are our general Terms and Conditions (ToC) for our translation services:
(1) Please note that our quotations are generated based on your description of project requirements and any other special demands. Therefore our quotations may be later amended at any time if, based on our judgment, such description should be inaccurate or inadequate. Our quotations are, unless otherwise specified, valid for a period of 30 days from the issue date. Quotations should not be binding on us and a mutual agreement will only become effective unless we send you our written confirmation for your order or we directly deliver our translated, copywrited and/or proofread document(s) to you. Please note that if you want to modify your source file(s) after our confirmation of order, or for whatever reason we need to amend our quotations, we will need to start all over again with a new round of quotation process (according to our standard working procedure) for an extra fee and will need to pause our services to you.
(2) You undertake that any source file(s) sent from you shall contain nothing illegal, and shall not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights (including but not limited to copyright) of any third parties, either directly or indirectly. You (or your licensors) are the Intellectual Property Rights owner of the source file(s) and the translated file(s) but, you unconditionally grant us (or our sub-contractors, if any) a license for storage and usage of your file(s) during the period of providing our services to you. We, however, we will not be liable for any claim that any file(s) generated from our service(s) may infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any third parties.
(3) For network privacy and security protection, you undertake that you will never disclose our payment and account information to any third party and take precaution measures, including but not limited to, enabling HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) data authentication and encryption SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) in your email system to secure transferring our payment and account information, i.e.: use secure webpage (https://) instead of the standard insecure webpage (http://).
(4) Delivery dates of our services are for your reference only, and in any circumstances we will not be liable for the consequences of any delay in delivery or any failure to perform or deliver.
(5) Unless otherwise specified, our default output format for delivery will be the same as or equivalent to the file format of your source file(s). If your source file format is uncommon for us to edit or requires extra typesetting efforts, we reserve the right to ask you to change it to Unicode text format (*.txt) or you will be subject to an extra typesetting fee.
(6) We cannot guarantee that our services must be able to meet your requirements and, we do not guarantee that the operation of any translated, copywrited and/or proofread document(s) we believe we already delivered to you will be error-free or uninterrupted. In addition, we do not guarantee the use of our translated, copywrited and/or proofread document(s) in terms of their suitability, accuracy, adequacy, or reliability etc and therefore in any circumstances we will not be liable for any claim against you, your licensor(s) or your representative(s) relating to our service(s).
(7) If there is any problem or request for amendment(s), you shall inform our customer service team within 7 days (one business week) after delivery of our services, with full valid details and evidences of any error. After the 7-day period, your request for amendments may still be possible but will be subject to a minimum service charge of USD$20 (an administration fee of USD$20 plus an extra rate of USD$20 per hour spent by our translators, copywriters or proofreaders). If there is still any dispute between you and our customer service team, our management is committed to step-in to help resolving the problem and, in any case, you unconditionally agree that the power of final adjudication shall be solely vested in our management, and thus all decisions made by our management shall be final and binding upon you, your licensor(s) and your representative(s) relating to our service(s).
(8) Anti-Fraud Guarantee (AFG): Any of your payment is non-refundable. However, to be fair to you, we offer an 'Anti-Fraud Guarantee' for your valid payment as we understand that we demand your upfront payment for our protection against internet scams and more importantly, we are a 100% legitimate and reputable website owner. You are allowed to cancel your order after payment, although you will be subject to a minimum service charge of USD$20 (an administration fee of USD$20 plus an extra fee for the services already performed by our translators, copywriters or proofreaders prior to the cancellation). As an additional 'Anti-Fraud Guarantee' to you, although we will never refund your payment for any cancelled order, we may consider at our sole discretion to keep the remaining balance (after deducting our service charge) so that you can then use it for our other service(s) within a six-month period.
(9) Please note that your online payment may not be tax-deductible, and hence you better ask your own tax advisor if you think necessary.
(10) The power of interpretation of this terms and conditions (ToC) shall be solely vested in the management of Mr China and all ToC are subject to change by us without notice. We reserve the right to terminate our service(s) to you and, you will be liable for any consequences and outstanding fees including any legal fees and attorney fees we may incur in if you breach our ToC. In addition, you unconditionally agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Mr China, its management, employees and sub-contractors harmless from any claim, damage (actual and consequential) or demand (including any legal and attorney fees) incurred or made by any party owing to or arising from your breach of this ToC and/or your use of our service(s).
Related article(s):
Procedure of Our Translation Services
Simplified Chinese (简体中文) Version: 我们翻译服务的一般条款和条件(ToC)
虽然我们承诺提供优质的服务,我们知道您和我们均不想就这些服务而受任何法律挑战。这就是为什么我们仍然需要一个正式的 ToC 以作为一种服务协议保护双方。
(3)基于网路隐私及安全考虑,您承诺您永不会泄露我们之间的付费和户口资料予任何第三者,您亦会采取预防措施,包括但不限于在您的电子邮件系统中启用 HTTPS(超文字安全传输通讯协定)数据验证及加密 SSL(安全层)以安全传输我们之间的付费和户口资料,即使用安全性网页(https://)而弃用标准非安全性网页(http://)。
(5)除另有规定外,我们交付的默认文件输出格式与您的来源文件格式应该是相同或对等的。如果您的来源文件格式在我们编辑上是罕见的,或需要额外的排版工作,我们有权要求您将它更改为Unicode格式文本 (*.txt) 或您需付额外的排版费用。
(7)若您有任何问题或修正请求,您应于我们服务交付后七天(一周)内告知我们的客户服务团队,并提供充分有效的细节和任何错误的证据。在首七天后,您或仍可提出修正要求,但需付出最少 $ 20美元(包括 $20美元行政费,另加我们的翻译、撰稿或校对人员所花之额外时间以每小时 $20美元的收费率计算)。如果您和我们的客户服务团队之间仍然有任何争议,我们的管理层将致力介入帮助解决问题。在任何情况下,您无条件地同意,终审权仅归属于我们 Mr China 之管理层,而我们管理层的决定乃最终决定,且对您(和您的许可方和您的代表)具有约束力。
(8)防骗保证(AFG):您的任何付款均为不可退还。不过,为对您公平起见,我们向您的有效付费提供防骗保证。我们明白我们要求您预付所需费用,对我们有一定程度的防网上诈骗保障,而更重要的是我们乃 100% 合法和声誉良好的网站拥有者。我们容许您在付款后取消您的订单,虽然您需付出最少 $20美元(包括 $20美元行政费,另加我们的翻译、撰稿或校对人员在取消前已完成服务的费用)。为对您提供额外防骗保证,虽然任何订单取消后,我们绝不会退还您的付款,但我们或考虑判定保留扣除我们服务费后的余额,您可以在六个月内使用此保留余额以享用我们其他的服务。
(10)本服务条款和条件(ToC)的解释权仅归属于我们 Mr China 之管理层,而我们有权更改所有 ToC 而恕不另行通知。如果您违反我们的ToC,我们保留权利终止我们给您的服务,您将完全承担所有后果和未付的费用,包括任何我们可能招致的法律费用和律师费。此外,您无条件地同意赔偿、保护并确保 Mr China、其管理层、员工和分包商,免受因你违反本 ToC 和 / 或使用我们的服务,而造成任何方面的索偿、(实际与连带的)损害、要求(包括法律费用和律师费)、罚金或其他责任之伤害。
Traditional Chinese (繁體中文) Version: 我們翻譯服務的一般條款和條件(ToC)
雖然我們承諾提供優質的服務,我們知道您和我們均不想就這些服務而受任何法律挑戰。這就是為什麼我們仍然需要一個正式的 ToC 以作為一種服務協議保護雙方。
(3)基於網路隱私及安全考慮,您承諾您永不會泄露我們之間的付費和戶口資料予任何第三者,您亦會採取預防措施,包括但不限於在您的電子郵件系統中啟用 HTTPS(超文字安全傳輸通訊協定)數據驗證及加密 SSL(安全層)以安全傳輸我們之間的付費和戶口資料,即使用安全性網頁(https://)而棄用標準非安全性網頁(http://)。
(5)除另有規定外,我們交付的默認文件輸出格式與您的來源文件格式應該是相同或對等的。如果您的來源文件格式在我們編輯上是罕見的,或需要額外的排版工作,我們有權要求您將它更改為Unicode格式文本 (*.txt) 或您需付額外的排版費用。
(7)若您有任何問題或修正請求,您應於我們服務交付後七天(一周)內告知我們的客戶服務團隊,並提供充分有效的細節和任何錯誤的證據。在首七天後,您或仍可提出修正要求,但需付出最少 $ 20美元(包括 $20美元行政費,另加我們的翻譯、撰稿或校對人員所花之額外時間以每小時 $20美元的收費率計算)。如果您和我們的客戶服務團隊之間仍然有任何爭議,我們的管理層將致力介入幫助解決問題。在任何情況下,您無條件地同意,終審權僅歸屬於我們 Mr China 之管理層,而我們管理層的決定乃最終決定,且對您(和您的許可方和您的代表)具有約束力。
(8)防騙保證(AFG):您的任何付款均為不可退還。不過,為對您公平起見,我們向您的有效付費提供防騙保證。我們明白我們要求您預付所需費用,對我們有一定程度的防網上詐騙保障,而更重要的是我們乃 100% 合法和聲譽良好的網站擁有者。我們容許您在付款後取消您的訂單,雖然您需付出最少 $20美元(包括 $20美元行政費,另加我們的翻譯、撰稿或校對人員在取消前已完成服務的費用)。為對您提供額外防騙保證,雖然任何訂單取消後,我們絕不會退還您的付款,但我們或考慮判定保留扣除我們服務費後的餘額,您可以在六個月內使用此保留餘額以享用我們其他的服務。
(10)本服務條款和條件(ToC)的解釋權僅歸屬於我們 Mr China 之管理層,而我們有權更改所有 ToC 而恕不另行通知。如果您違反我們的ToC,我們保留權利終止我們給您的服務,您將完全承擔所有後果和未付的費用,包括任何我們可能招致的法律費用和律師費。此外,您無條件地同意賠償、保護並確保 Mr China、其管理層、員工和分包商,免受因你違反本 ToC 和 / 或使用我們的服務,而造成任何方面的索償、(實際與連帶的)損害、要求(包括法律費用和律師費)、罰金或其他責任之傷害。
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Thursday, March 15, 2012
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